The Project

Behind Science Driven: Our purpose

In a world where science is advancing by leaps and bounds, the gap between scientific knowledge and the general public often becomes too wide. We are surrounded by fascinating discoveries and impressive advances, but sometimes technical language and complex concepts can seem like insurmountable barriers for those who aren’t familiar with them. A clear example is the emergence of artificial intelligence in our daily lives, which, in just a few weeks starting in December 2022, went from being a science fiction concept to becoming a fundamental part of our reality. This advance has disruptively changed the way we think, work, and approach life, challenging professions, specialties, and disciplines to reinvent themselves at a speed that was unimaginable not long ago. For many, this technology may seem almost magical, but in reality, it is the result of a complex yet understandable scientific process.

At the same time, even though we live in an era of unprecedented technological advancement, we also face a time where misinformation is widespread. Fake news circulates, and erroneous interpretations of science are often spread by people who, without sufficient knowledge, make incorrect assessments or have been influenced by a manipulated environment. This can lead to questioning the validity of science or using unfounded arguments full of fallacies and unsustainable reasoning.

It’s important to remember that science is not a matter of belief, but rather a tool developed throughout history thanks to the work of countless brilliant minds. While it is valid to challenge science, propose better methods, delve into aspects that have not yet been explained, or improve its processes, we cannot deny what has already been scientifically proven. Science is the foundation that allows us to understand the world we live in, and thanks to its principles, we have achieved extraordinary advances in technology, medicine, communications, and transportation. The very existence of these achievements is proof of the strength and validity of the scientific foundations that support them.

It is in this context that Science Driven was born, with a clear and passionate purpose: to make science accessible and understandable for everyone. Our goal is to enable as many people as possible to better understand the world around them and, in doing so, combat misinformation with real, proven, and clear information.

Our project stems from the deep conviction that science, in all its forms and disciplines, should not be a luxury reserved only for experts. We want to break down the barriers that separate people from the fascinating worlds of medicine, physics, chemistry, mathematics, technology, and much more.

Science Driven is our contribution to building a more informed, more curious, and more connected world through science. A world where every person has the opportunity to discover, learn, and be amazed, regardless of their background or education level. Because science is for everyone, and we all deserve the chance to be touched by its magic.

Occasionally, you will find opinion pieces or reflections on Science Driven that, by their nature, may be subjective or reflect the author’s point of view. In such cases, we will clearly state at the beginning of the article that it is an opinion, to avoid any confusion.

In our aim to reach a wide audience, Science Driven will always be written in three languages: Spanish, Portuguese, and English.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. We hope that every time you visit Science Driven, you feel that spark of curiosity that drives us to keep exploring, learning, and sharing. Welcome to our universe of knowledge!