Artículos sobre física, química y matemáticas

Contenidos sobre las ciencias exactas que describen el comportamiento de nuestro universo.

Resonancia Schumann: ¿Por qué sentimos que el tiempo pasa más rápido?

Schumann Resonance: Why do we feel that time passes faster?

Do you notice that it is becoming more difficult to maintain productivity in your daily life because time is passing by faster? There is a theory investigating this.

Schumann Resonance: Why do we feel that time passes faster?

Do you notice that it is becoming more difficult to maintain productivity in your daily life because time is passing by faster? There is a theory investigating this.

¿Cómo funcionan los satélites? ¿Por qué vuelan sin combustible y no se caen?

How do satellites work? Why do they fly without fuel and not fall?

How is it possible that satellites fly indefinitely around the Earth and do not fall? Magic, secret mechanisms? The answer is simple: science


How do satellites work? Why do they fly without fuel and not fall?

How is it possible that satellites fly indefinitely around the Earth and do not fall? Magic, secret mechanisms? The answer is simple: science

¿Cómo se mide el volumen del sonido? ¿Qué significan los decibelios (dB)?

How is sound volume measured? What do decibels (dB) mean?

The sounds we hear every day can be soft or very loud, but how do you measure how loud a sound is?

How is sound volume measured? What do decibels (dB) mean?

The sounds we hear every day can be soft or very loud, but how do you measure how loud a sound is?

¿Qué son las fuerzas de Van der Waals?¿Dónde las encontramos en la naturaleza?

What are Van der Waals forces? Where do we find them in nature?

You probably don't know them or know they're there, but you use them every day and their discoverer won a Nobel Prize.

What are Van der Waals forces? Where do we find them in nature?

You probably don't know them or know they're there, but you use them every day and their discoverer won a Nobel Prize.

Paradojas imposibles: La paradoja de los gemelos

Impossible paradoxes: The twin paradox

How is it possible that two twins age at different rates depending on the speed at which they move?


Impossible paradoxes: The twin paradox

How is it possible that two twins age at different rates depending on the speed at which they move?

Paradojas imposibles: La paradoja de Monty Hall

Impossible paradoxes: The Monty Hall paradox

Did you know that changing doors in a contest increases your chances of winning?

Impossible paradoxes: The Monty Hall paradox

Did you know that changing doors in a contest increases your chances of winning?

Paradojas imposibles: La paradoja del cumpleaños

Impossible paradoxes: The birthday paradox

Did you know that the probability of finding 2 people who have the same birthday is much higher than you think?

Impossible paradoxes: The birthday paradox

Did you know that the probability of finding 2 people who have the same birthday is much higher than you think?

Paradojas imposibles: La paradoja del Hotel de Hilbert

Impossible paradoxes: The Hilbert Hotel paradox

What would happen if you arrived at a hotel that had infinite rooms and was fully booked? Would you go in or not?

Impossible paradoxes: The Hilbert Hotel paradox

What would happen if you arrived at a hotel that had infinite rooms and was fully booked? Would you go in or not?

Paradojas imposibles: La paradoja de Schrödinger

Impossible paradoxes: Schrödinger's cat

Many people know this famous paradox of the cat being both alive and dead at the same time, but few understand it correctly. Discover its true meaning.

Impossible paradoxes: Schrödinger's cat

Many people know this famous paradox of the cat being both alive and dead at the same time, but few understand it correctly. Discover its true meaning.

¿Qué es la espiral de Fibonacci?

What is the Fibonacci spiral?

The Fibonacci sequence is much more than a mathematical formula, since it allows the most perfect forms of nature to be mathematically determined.

What is the Fibonacci spiral?

The Fibonacci sequence is much more than a mathematical formula, since it allows the most perfect forms of nature to be mathematically determined.

Ondas electromagnéticas: ¿Qué son y cómo entenderlas?

Electromagnetic waves: What are and how to understand them?

Electromagnetic waves are vibrations of electric and magnetic fields that carry energy through space, including light, radio, and X-rays.

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Electromagnetic waves: What are and how to understand them?

Electromagnetic waves are vibrations of electric and magnetic fields that carry energy through space, including light, radio, and X-rays.

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¿Por qué el carbono es tan especial?

Why is carbon so special?

There is only one element in nature that makes the difference between the organic and the inorganic, the living and the inert. The heart of life. Discover carbon.

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Why is carbon so special?

There is only one element in nature that makes the difference between the organic and the inorganic, the living and the inert. The heart of life. Discover carbon.

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¿Por qué el 73 es un número tan especial?

Why is 73 such a special number?

If you have seen the series The Big Bang Theory you will have noticed Sheldon Cooper's obsession with the number 73. It is as special as it sounds.


Why is 73 such a special number?

If you have seen the series The Big Bang Theory you will have noticed Sheldon Cooper's obsession with the number 73. It is as special as it sounds.

¿Qué es el efecto Doppler?

What is the Doppler effect?

The Doppler effect is one of the most common physical principles and from which scientific and technological innovation has taken the most advantage throughout history.

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What is the Doppler effect?

The Doppler effect is one of the most common physical principles and from which scientific and technological innovation has taken the most advantage throughout history.

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