Paradojas imposibles: La paradoja de los gemelos

Impossible paradoxes: The twin paradox

Imagine you have an identical twin and, like good brothers, you have always competed in everything: from who gets to the dinner table first to who plays the PlayStation better.

Now, change the context. Instead of racing around the house, let's talk about something more ambitious: space travel. What if your twin, riding a ship capable of traveling at almost the speed of light, returned from his epic journey only to discover that you, his twin from Earth, have aged much more than him? It sounds like total science fiction, but it's the real world. It's just that to find out, you'd have to travel close to the speed of light, and that's not possible (for now).

This is what the twin paradox is all about, a paradox that challenges our intuitions about the relativity of time and invites us to explore the limits of modern physics.

So, if you've ever wondered what would happen if you got on a spaceship and came back younger than your own twin, this article is for you.

What does the paradox say?

The twin paradox is a scenario proposed within the framework of Einstein's theory of relativity. According to this theory, time passes differently for moving objects than for those at rest. This means that when the travelling twin returns to Earth, he will discover that his brother has aged more than he has. This is due to a phenomenon called "time dilation", where time passes more slowly for the travelling twin due to his great speed. This effect becomes significant only when we talk about speeds approaching the speed of light (around 300,000 km/s). Therefore, while for the travelling twin a few years may have passed, for the one who stayed on Earth decades may have passed.

What are you trying to prove on a physical or mathematical level?

On a physical level, the twin paradox demonstrates one of the most difficult aspects of special relativity to understand: time is relative and depends on the observer's state of motion. There is no “absolute” time that is valid for everyone. Time dilation is a direct consequence of the Lorentz equations, which are fundamental to understanding how space and time are related when we move at speeds close to the speed of light.

From a mathematical point of view, special relativity tells us that the elapsed time for a moving observer, \( t{\prime} \) is related to the time for a stationary observer t by the equation:

\( t{\prime} = \frac{t}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{v^2}{c^2}} } \)

Where v is the speed of the traveling twin's ship and c is the speed of light. As v approaches c, the time for the traveling twin \(t{\prime}\) dilates, that is, it slows down compared to the time of the twin on Earth. This result teaches us that time and space are not absolute concepts, but depend on the observer and his motion.

What are its technical foundations?

The technical foundations of the twin paradox are based on the theory of special relativity, formulated by Albert Einstein in 1905. This theory introduces two key principles:

  • The principle of relativity: The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference systems, that is, those that are not accelerating.
  • The constancy of the speed of light: The speed of light in vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion.

Time dilation is a consequence of these principles, and becomes significant at speeds close to the speed of light. Furthermore, general relativity also plays a role in the twin paradox, as the traveling twin experiences acceleration and deceleration when leaving and returning to Earth. This change of reference generates an asymmetry between the two twins, which explains why one ages more than the other.


The twin paradox isn’t really a “paradox,” in the sense of a contradiction. Rather, it’s a surprising result but one that’s perfectly consistent with the laws of relativity. It shows us that time isn’t a universal constant, but is instead tied to the speed at which you’re moving and the gravitational field you’re in. It’s a fascinating reminder of how modern physics challenges our most basic intuitions about time and space.

Curiosities about the paradox

  • The twin paradox is not just a thought experiment. The effects of time dilation have been observed experimentally using atomic clocks on airplanes and satellites, showing that time does indeed pass differently for moving objects.
  • In the movie “Interstellar,” an astronaut returns to Earth and discovers that, due to the effects of gravity and speed, he has aged much less than the humans who remained on the planet. Although the movie mixes general and special relativity, it reflects the same concept as the twin paradox.
  • Astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) experience time dilation, albeit very small. For them, time passes slightly slower than for us on Earth due to their orbital speed.

Relationship of the paradox with the real world

Although twins traveling at near-light speeds are just a thought experiment, the principles behind the twin paradox have real-world applications. GPS satellites, for example, need to correct internal clocks because of time dilation caused by both their speed and Earth's gravity. Without these corrections, errors in position measurements would be significant. So even if we don't have twins traveling at the speed of light, the twin paradox helps us understand and work with the relativistic phenomena that affect modern technology.

And the post is over :(

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Un artículo interesante y muy curioso.


Un artículo interesante y muy curioso.


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