Artículos sobre medicina

Contenidos sobre medicina, ingeniería biomédica o biología, descubre los temas más curiosos sobre nuestro cuerpo y nuestro entorno.

El triángulo de la muerte: Cómo perder la vida por explotarse un grano

The triangle of death: How to lose your life by popping a pimple

If you've seen influencers talking about how you can die from popping a pimple on an area of ​​your face, it's true, the risk is real .

The triangle of death: How to lose your life by popping a pimple

If you've seen influencers talking about how you can die from popping a pimple on an area of ​​your face, it's true, the risk is real .

Las nano-máquinas que curan nuestro cuerpo: Nab-paclitaxel

Nano-machines that heal our body: Nab-paclitaxel

The term nano-machine sounds like science fiction and futuristic inventions, but the reality is that they have been healing our bodies for a long time.

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Nano-machines that heal our body: Nab-paclitaxel

The term nano-machine sounds like science fiction and futuristic inventions, but the reality is that they have been healing our bodies for a long time.

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¿Por qué no debes ver la TV con la luz apagada?

Why you shouldn't watch TV with the lights off?

Many people enjoy watching TV with the lights off, but this innocent practice carries a significant health risk.


Why you shouldn't watch TV with the lights off?

Many people enjoy watching TV with the lights off, but this innocent practice carries a significant health risk.

¿Qué es un CPAP y como puede cambiarte la vida?

What is a CPAP and how can it change your life?

Find out what a CPAP is, how it works and how it can improve your quality of sleep and life. Ideal for those who suffer from sleep apnea and are...


What is a CPAP and how can it change your life?

Find out what a CPAP is, how it works and how it can improve your quality of sleep and life. Ideal for those who suffer from sleep apnea and are...

La crisis del fentanilo. ¿Por qué está muriendo gente?

The fentanyl crisis: Why are people dying?

Watching the news from 2022, it seems that something complex is happening with fentanyl, as many people are dying, although the explanation is quite simple.


The fentanyl crisis: Why are people dying?

Watching the news from 2022, it seems that something complex is happening with fentanyl, as many people are dying, although the explanation is quite simple.

Desmontando mitos #4: NO, la luz del sol no te aporta vitamina D

Debunking myths #4: NO, sunlight does not give you vitamin D

We have always thought that vitamin D is obtained from the sun, since when we are deficient in this vitamin, we are prescribed sun exposure, but this is not true.

Debunking myths #4: NO, sunlight does not give you vitamin D

We have always thought that vitamin D is obtained from the sun, since when we are deficient in this vitamin, we are prescribed sun exposure, but this is not true.

Robótica médica: Máquinas automáticas que pueden ayudarte a comer o amputarte una pierna

Medical robotics: Automated machines that can help you eat or amputate your leg

Decades ago, we imagined a future with robots and advanced transportation. Today, although we don't have teleportation, we have achieved amazing inventions that save our lives, or at least improve...


Medical robotics: Automated machines that can help you eat or amputate your leg

Decades ago, we imagined a future with robots and advanced transportation. Today, although we don't have teleportation, we have achieved amazing inventions that save our lives, or at least improve...

¿Qué son los grupos sanguíneos y como afectan a la donación de sangre?

What are blood types and how do they affect blood donation?

As soon as we are born, our blood type is determined and will remain the same for life, but we rarely know what it means or how it affects other...

What are blood types and how do they affect blood donation?

As soon as we are born, our blood type is determined and will remain the same for life, but we rarely know what it means or how it affects other...

Desmontando mitos #3: NO es lo mismo un medicamento genérico que uno de marca

Debunking myths #3: A generic drug is NOT the same as a brand name drug

Generic drugs have emerged as a low-cost and equally effective alternative, but although they may seem exactly the same, they are not.

Debunking myths #3: A generic drug is NOT the same as a brand name drug

Generic drugs have emerged as a low-cost and equally effective alternative, but although they may seem exactly the same, they are not.

Desmontando mitos #2: SI, puedes quedarte embarazada durante un embarazo

Debunking myths #2: YES, you can get pregnant during a pregnancy

We often ignore many aspects of how wonderful the human body is, such as its ability to generate exceptional situations, such as generating two simultaneous pregnancies of different ages.

Debunking myths #2: YES, you can get pregnant during a pregnancy

We often ignore many aspects of how wonderful the human body is, such as its ability to generate exceptional situations, such as generating two simultaneous pregnancies of different ages.

Por qué las mejores ideas se te ocurren en la ducha, el famoso "Deadline Mode" y la mentira del brain storming

Why the best ideas come to you in the shower, the famous "Deadline Mode" and the lie of brainstorming

Your brain generates electromagnetic waves whose wavelength is 7 times the circumference of the Earth. Understand what they are used for.


Why the best ideas come to you in the shower, the famous "Deadline Mode" and the lie of brainstorming

Your brain generates electromagnetic waves whose wavelength is 7 times the circumference of the Earth. Understand what they are used for.

¿Cuáles son las diferentes técnicas de diagnóstico por imagen y cuándo se utilizan?

What are the different diagnostic imaging techniques and when are they used?

What types of imaging diagnostics are there? What are they used for and when? Which ones are harmful to health? What drawbacks do they have? Here we tell you.


What are the different diagnostic imaging techniques and when are they used?

What types of imaging diagnostics are there? What are they used for and when? Which ones are harmful to health? What drawbacks do they have? Here we tell you.

Desmontando mitos #1: No eres el espermatozoide más rápido

Debunking Myths #1: You are not the fastest sperm

Debunking Myths #1: The idea that sperm compete in a frantic speed race to fertilize the egg is false.

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Debunking Myths #1: You are not the fastest sperm

Debunking Myths #1: The idea that sperm compete in a frantic speed race to fertilize the egg is false.

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Problemas de alto riesgo: La celulitis infecciosa

High-risk problems: Infectious cellulitis

Infectious cellulitis is a concerning bacterial skin infection, usually caused by streptococci or staphylococci. It may seem like a mild disorder but can become very serious.


High-risk problems: Infectious cellulitis

Infectious cellulitis is a concerning bacterial skin infection, usually caused by streptococci or staphylococci. It may seem like a mild disorder but can become very serious.

¿Qué es una translocación bacteriana?

What is a bacterial translocation?

We explore the intriguing world of bacteria and focus on bacterial translocation, a phenomenon where bacteria move from their natural habitat, causing serious infections.

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What is a bacterial translocation?

We explore the intriguing world of bacteria and focus on bacterial translocation, a phenomenon where bacteria move from their natural habitat, causing serious infections.

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5 usos de la radioterapia que no conocías

5 uses of radiotherapy that you didn't know about

Although its best-known application is for the treatment of cancer, we tell you 5 alternative uses of radiotherapy for other types of ailments.


5 uses of radiotherapy that you didn't know about

Although its best-known application is for the treatment of cancer, we tell you 5 alternative uses of radiotherapy for other types of ailments.

Síndrome compartimental agudo, la serie Perdidos y la viagra

Acute compartment syndrome, Lost TV series and Viagra

Compartment syndrome is a serious and life-threatening condition, especially when it results from an accident or severe trauma.


Acute compartment syndrome, Lost TV series and Viagra

Compartment syndrome is a serious and life-threatening condition, especially when it results from an accident or severe trauma.

¿Por qué dormimos menos al envejecer?

Why do we sleep less as we get older?

Why do we sleep less as we age, if when we age, we are more tired?

Why do we sleep less as we get older?

Why do we sleep less as we age, if when we age, we are more tired?

Qué son los signos patognomónicos? Consulta 13 ejemplos curiosos

Pathognomonic signs: Definition and 13 examples

The pathognomonic sign is a sufficient condition to diagnose a disease, so that when it is present, there is no doubt about the disease that the patient is suffering from.

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Pathognomonic signs: Definition and 13 examples

The pathognomonic sign is a sufficient condition to diagnose a disease, so that when it is present, there is no doubt about the disease that the patient is suffering from.

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